Queue is an abstract data structure that follows a particular order in which operations are performed on it. The method in which those operations are done is called as First-In-First-Out (or Last-In-Last-Out).
Heap sort is based exclusively upon a binary heap data structure, where we find the largest element and sort it to the end of an unsorted collection. We use the properties of a complete binary tree to sort our collection efficiently.
Quick sort uses the divide-and-conquer approach based on the idea of choosing a pivot element from the array and partitioning the array around it where the Left side of pivot contains elements that are smaller than the pivot and Right side contains elements greater than the pivot.
A Divide and Conquer algorithm that divides the list in two sub-lists and calls itself onto them recursively till it can't be split and merges them afterwards in a sorted manner.
An in-place sorting algorithm that finds max. element in each cycle and puts it in appropriate position in list by performing swapping adjacent elements.
Linear search is used to find a particular element in a list or collection of items.
Target element is compared sequentially with each element of a collection until it is found. Otherwise it will traverse through that list until it reaches to the end of the list.